Is my course, credential or programme eligible for Fees Free?

The easiest way to find out if your chosen course, credential, or programme is eligible for Fees Free is to ask the tertiary education organisation who runs it.

An eligible course or credential for a provider-based learner is a course or credential that is:

  1. funded by the TEC from:
    1. the DQ3-7 fund, excluding provision that would previously have been funded through the Industry Training Fund; or
    2. the DQ7+ fund; or
    3. grants under section 556 of the Act for tertiary provision towards a qualification on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) at Level 3 or above, or a micro-credential at Level 3 or above approved by the NZQA; and
  2. not part of a school learning programme or secondary-tertiary programme.

An eligible programme for a work-based learner is a programme that is:

  1. at New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) Level 3 or above;
  2. approved by the NZQA;
  3. funded by the TEC through the DQ3-7 fund and would previously have been funded through the Industry Training Fund;
  4. made up of at least 120 credits (which includes all New Zealand Apprenticeships); and
  5. not part of a school learning programme or secondary-tertiary programme.

Please contact your tertiary education organisation if you’re not sure whether your course or programme is eligible.

Unsure of some of these terms? Check out our glossary.