Enter your National Student Number (NSN) to find out if you can get Fees Free
Your NSN will be 9 digits or less. If the number you have is more than 9 digits and starts with 0, please remove the 0.
If you have an NSN, but can’t remember what it is, contact your school or provider. You can also contact the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) on 0800 697 296 (between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday) or by email through the NZQA website.
If you don't have a National Student Number, you'll get one when you enrol. You should check whether you meet the Fees Free eligibility criteria. If you do, you'll need to enter your NSN here to confirm your eligibility status once you have enrolled.
What is Fees Free?
Fees Free is a fund for first-time tertiary learners. It may cover fees for one year's study or two years’ work-based training – up to $12,000.
It’s paid directly to your tertiary education organisation: a university, Te Pūkenga, a private training establishment or a wānanga.
To get Fees Free, you must meet certain eligibility criteria, and your course or programme must also be eligible.
The Government has announced that Fees Free for the first year of study or training will finish at the end of 2024. A final-year Fees Free scheme will replace it, starting from January 2025.
On this website you can:
- find out about the end of the first-year policy, and the new final-year policy
- read the Fees Free eligibility criteria for 2024 and previous years
- use the NSN checker above to see what eligibility status we have for you
- find out what to do if you’ve read the eligibility criteria and you think we have the wrong eligibility status for you. (You’ll be guided through this when you use the NSN checker.)
The Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF)
The TTAF ended on 31 December 2022. Study or training you did that was covered by the TTAF does not affect your eligibility or entitlement to Fees Free.
If you started using Fees Free before using the TTAF, you can still get Fees Free if you have some entitlement left.
If you’ve had fees covered by TTAF, and now wish to get Fees Free, check your eligibility status with our NSN checker above.