The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) is responsible for the Fees Free scheme. The TEC uses Facebook to provide people with information about Fees Free.

These terms of use apply to the Fees Free Facebook page. By using or accessing our Facebook page you agree to the conditions of use of Facebook and the terms set out below.

Community guidelines

We welcome your comments, questions and feedback on the Fees Free Facebook page, but we do ask that you are respectful of the community and follow these guidelines:


Please don’t share any of your own, or anyone else’s personal information on the Fees Free Facebook page or by message (this includes addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or other online contact details – relating either to you or other individuals). If there’s something you need to discuss in relation to your eligibility for Fees Free, please contact us.

Any posts or messages which contain such personal information will be removed or deleted.

General terms

  1. Please be respectful of other users of the Fees Free Facebook page.
  2. Stay on topic and do not upload content or post a comment that is unrelated to the purpose of the Facebook page.
  3. Do not use language or content that:
    1. is racist, sexist or discriminatory
    2. contains insults or put-downs
    3. is likely to be offensive, inflammatory or provocative (including swearing and obscene or vulgar comments)
    4. contains potentially harmful advice
    5. is not accurate.
  4. Don't break the law or encourage others to do so (this includes defamation, breaching privacy, breaching another person’s intellectual property rights such as copyright, condoning illegal activity and contempt of court, or making false declarations).
  5. Don't impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or an organisation. Don't attempt to log on using another user’s account.
  6. Don't make any commercial endorsement or promotion of any product, service or publication.

Removing comments and banning users

We will remove any comments and posts that breach these terms. If an individual repeatedly violates this policy, that user will be blocked from posting in the future. We accept no liability in any way connected to the use of, or access to, the Fees Free Facebook page.

Giving permission

By making any contribution to the Fees Free Facebook page publicly – including comments, photos or videos – you're granting us permission to reuse this content inside that platform. Permission will be sought via an individual request to the owner of the comment if we wish to use the content outside of the platform.

General information


The content on the Fees Free Facebook page is intended to provide information about Fees Free to people who may be eligible for Fees Free. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information set out on the Fees Free Facebook page is accurate.

However, visitors to the Fees Free Facebook page are advised that:

  • the information provided does not replace or alter the laws of New Zealand and other official guidelines or requirements
  • the information on the Fees Free Facebook page is provided on the basis that persons accessing the Facebook page undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content
  • all links, shared content, and references to other products, websites or organisations are provided for convenience only and aren't, and should not be taken as, an endorsement of those products, websites or any information contained in those websites
  • liking or sharing information does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. It's for the purpose of sharing information
  • Facebook may occasionally become unavailable. We do not accept responsibility for lack of service due to downtime.